What is e-Learning for Health and Social Care?

Health and Social Care relies on training providers to deliver learning that is not only up-to-date and accurate but also interactive and engaging. As a care worker, you will need to be provided with up-to-date Continued Personal Development (CPD) support, which is often delivered through e-Learning for Health and Social Care. This is because e-Learning is easy to keep up-to-date and is the most digital way to deliver high levels of training. The key benefit of CPD-accredited courses is to help care workers maintain and deliver higher standards of care to those in need.

These e-Learning courses are often delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS) and support numerous types of learning styles. Health and Social Care organisations can use a Learning Management System that aligns and supports them to deliver their Learning and Development strategy. An LMS will also provide additional value by automating your processes and saving admin time when it comes to reporting and managing your team’s compliance.

Key benefits of having a Learning Management System in place within Health and Social Care include:

  • Support organisations evidence compliance when it comes to inspections by the Care Quality Commission, known as CQC, or other regulatory bodies.
  • Manage and monitor compliance.
  • Additional benefits to your staff, allowing them to manage their own learning journey and stay up-to-date with Mandatory Training.
  • Complete adequate induction training and annual refresher training.

When an organisation within Health and Social Care adopts an LMS and aligns this with a strategic goal for Learning and Development, it helps to build up and maintain a compliance record for both the business and the learner alike.

Health and Social Care hold great career opportunities and allow personal development, which is critical across the sector to ensure you retain your workforce. CPD is a key benefit that will see new recruits start on the Care Certificate and continue their Learning and Development journey with more specific courses related to their day-to-day role as a care worker.

What am I looking for in an e-Learning course for Health and Social Care?

In Health and Social Care, there are ‘Mandatory Training’ courses, which means workers within the sector are required to undertake adequate induction training and annual refresher training to remain up-to-date with regulatory requirements. These training courses within health and social care normally include the following e-Learning:

  • Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Manual Handling
  • Food Hygiene and Food Safety Awareness

These e-Learning courses are designed to stay aligned with basic regulatory requirements in the Health and Social Care sector. If you would like to book an obligation free consultation, My Learning Cloud can provide you with an insight into their user-centric Learning Management System, which incorporates over 100 CPD courses specifically built for many different Health and Social Care roles.

You can book your free consultation at https://www.mylearningcloud.org.uk/contact/book-a-consultation